Divya Bhaskar Events

Divya Bhaskar is celebrating its 20th anniversary with pride and excitement.

Since its establishment on June 22, 2003, Divya Bhaskar has become an integral part of every Gujarati’s life, earning their trust and admiration. The newspaper’s unwavering commitment to providing accurate and unbiased news has made it a cherished source of information across Gujarat and the nation. To mark this special milestone, Divya Bhaskar has planned a series of exclusive offerings for its loyal readers. Not limiting the celebrations to readers, Divya Bhaskar also hosted a grand dinner for clients and agencies, providing an opportunity for a memorable evening of celebration and camaraderie. Furthermore, the newspaper published three grand books titled “Navratna,” “Shrestha Ratna,” and “Echoes of Gujarat,” honoring eminent personalities and dignitaries for their remarkable contributions to Gujarat and the country.